Gracias, Merci, Do Jeh, Thank You
/Gracias, Merci, Do Jeh, Thank You
John Paul Derryberry
It's the best Holiday ever this week- Thanksgiving. There is no stress of what to get someone for a gift or pressure to wake up super early. There is a loving atmosphere of, how I can help better the meal, and a full-fledged conversation about who, what, and why we are thankful. Some years we are more grateful than others. Some years the turkey is delicious and some, well, not so much. Still, every year it's a holiday celebrating family and friends. Despite our numerous differences, we can break bread around a table and enjoy each other. Honestly, there should be about one Thanksgiving every three months.
While I prepare my stomach for twelve deviled eggs, three helpings of mashed potatoes, and a large slab of turkey drenched in gravy, I thought I should mention what I'm thankful for well before Thursday. I have a lot to be grateful for: a new daughter bringing the total to two, a beautiful new home with a perfect view, a new career in a new town, the same lovely family and friends, and a forever-faithful pup. And I'm very thankful for all those things, but I will get to spend my Thursday with all of them in person or through facetime.
Today I want to remind you, myself, and any newcomers to John Paul Derryberry speaking that I'm thankful for you, the people who believe in me enough to read, share, and comment on my weekly blog, the people attending my talks, hearing my stories, and every once in a while sharing their story with me. To the people who share my name with others, recommend me, and promise others that they will not regret bringing me in.
At some point this week, my website visits will surpass the largest ever year I've had, and we still have a month left. My growth as a storyteller and as a person is because of you. The effort it takes to garner anyone's attention for a 10-minute reading of a blog, a 15-minute story, or a 60-minute presentation is at an all-time high, and so many of you choose me. I'm forever thankful that this occurs and I do not take that choice for granted. It means the energy I put out to others is felt, reciprocated, and spread.
That's all I want for this adventure of mine, to let others know they are not alone. And to be honest, from time to time, remind myself I'm not alone either. Whether you're a weekly reader or an every once in a while one, I appreciate your engagement with me. So wherever you are, in whatever way you do it, and in whichever language you speak, gracias, merci, do jeh, and thank-you!