Sunday Night With John: Mini Van Dreaming


Mini Van Dreaming 

John Paul Derryberry 

We all have dreams and one of mine is, I’ve always wanted to own a mini van. I know it’s a weird dream to have. It was weirder at age 25 when I was a single male but a dream is a dream. It was one of those life goals you do not talk about with everyone, but it was always on the to-do list. Well this week, I’m living the dream life. We purchased a mini van this week. As my wife and I cruised around with the windows down, we laughed at our purchase. We are mini van owners and proud owners at that.  

Dreams come in various shapes and sizes and life is better when we chase those dreams. The issue is that we often shy away from chasing our dreams whether they are small, medium or large. People around us may deem the dream stupid or not achievable. More than a couple of people laughed at my dream of rocking a mini van and living the soccer-mom life. A number of people told me I would never be a public speaker, but I’m preparing for another gig on Tuesday. Dreams are what makes life worth living. When we show ourselves that we can accomplish dreams, we inspire ourselves to achieve more.  We also are an example to family, friends, and anyone else paying attention, that it’s possible. With so much of the world willing to hold people down, to tell them no, we need examples of people showing that dreams are possible.

Dreams are possible, whether they are as simple as quitting smoking, running a marathon, owning a tiny home, or cruising in a mini-van. They are also possible when they are a big dreams, such as being a best-selling author, being a congresswoman, starting a business, hiking the Appalachian trail, or my dream of giving my talk in Madison Square Garden. We need to chase those dreams. We need to see what we are made of. We need to see how high we can climb. Dreams are important. They matter and they should not be tossed to the side, no matter what our age.

So you can look at my mini-van and laugh, or, you can realize I’m happy and feel like I’m living the good life. I want you to achieve those silly or grand dreams that you have. Now if you need, you can find me pushing the button in my mini van that automatically opens and shuts the sliding doors. It just makes me giggle every time. Dreams really do come true. Now, how do I land a gig at Madison Square Garden?