Not In My Words Wednesday: A Letter From A Colleague

Dear John, 

I truly enjoyed listening to you speak and was thrilled I finally got to see you speak. I was going to write you a thank you note but what I wanted to write wouldn’t fit in a small card. Listening to your full story was very touching and increased the amount of respect I have you as a person. I thought a lot about my life because of my dad dying and wish I had heard what you had said before I had to go through that in my life. But better later than never.

You have helped me grow as a person because of your leadership and positive attitude. I thank you so much for that. I really appreciate everything that you have taught me. Because of that influence you have had on me in the short amount of time I have known you I feel like I am a better person all around. I enjoy reading you Sunday blogs and share them with my friends when I speak with them. I just wanted to write you to let you know much I respect you and look up to you as a person.  I hope to continue to learn many things in the time that you are in my life, because I truly believe it will help me to become an even better and happier person. Thank you again! It’s important for people to know when they impact people’s lives and you have done that for me so I wanted to fill you bucket


(Name removed)