Sunday Night With John: Oh You Guys, You Shouldn't Have

My good friend, Adam Richard Rottinghaus, once sent me a note about my drive to share my story with the world.  

“I knew you before I knew your story, and the who man is my friend today would certainly not be the person I respect were it not for one powerful character trait — drive. The drive to complete your book. The drive to constantly improve yourself. That sweet drive to the hoop. The drive to share what life has taught you so that others may benefit. The drive to work with troubled youth because on some level I think you will always consider yourself one. I hope that people understand that about you as you share your story with the world. When I think of the good you do with your drive I’m at once reminded of both the youthful optimism that we all have before life shows itself to us in its sometimes cruel (sometimes beautiful ways), as well as the reality and responsibility of manhood. To quote the Magnetic Fields, “Drive on, Driver.”

This note has crossed my mind over the years and, many times, has lifted my spirits when moments of self-doubt have crept in. I find myself drawn to it as 2016 winds down, not because of self-doubt, but because I fully understand why the well of my drive is deep and full.  2016 was the year of rebuilding, self-reflection, and reinvigorating, "Share Emotions, Emotions Matter," and, John Paul Derryberry, Public Speaker. Adam beautifully captures my innate drive to help others, but what he fails to capture fully, is all the sources from which it comes. Yes, some of it is born from that hurt, confused, 17-year-old kid still trying to come grips with how equally cruel and beautiful life can be; how short or long life can feel; and how people here or departed can affect us.

The other number in the equation that increases my drive, is all the wonderful gifts I receive from you guys, my audience, whether by spoken or written word. You were the biggest part of the driving force behind my message in 2016. The energy you provided resulted in making this message reach a bigger audience in 2016 than in any other year. Let’s count the wonderful gifts so many of you beautiful, wonderful people have given me:

  • To the everyday people who grant me the gift of being my readers, sharing my writing with their corner of the world, and commenting on the posts. I’m looking at you Cathy Issak, Jackie Panek Brown, Sarah Perry, and countless others.

  • To the friends who either allowed me to write a blog about them, or wrote one with me to show how "Share Emotions, Emotions Matter" is in everybody’s life. So a big thank you to Josh Reihl, Lisa Clifton, Scott Smith, Tara and countless other people who contribute to my writing.

  • To my new editor, Sheilah McKenna, who liked my message so much she volunteered on a weekly basis to make my writing coherent and readable. This has lessened the burden on my wife who now only has to edit my graduate school work.

  • To the two strangers who displayed my sticker on their car, that I stumbled upon in a parking lot. What a rush of joy that was. I hope it happens more in 2017!

  • To the people who stay after my talks and share their stories with me. It was such a wonderful moment, connecting with the audience and hearing why it’s important I keep at this.

  • To the wonderful crew of people who taped testimonials for my website: Kyle Johnson, Dave Greeder, Mallory McWilliams, and Mary Conrey. Their beautiful faces, and elegant words about my message made the website look really nice.

  • To Beth Hoppel, who without fail books me early and often to speak and spreads my name around far and wide. I half expect her to land me a spot on Ellen with all the talks her connections have lead me to.

  • To the donors who want to remain anonymous, that helped put on the first ever Live Sunday Night With John, even though it was on a Saturday afternoon. To those who attended the event, so I wasn’t talking to an empty room. They made me realize just how many people are behind this project. Even if they are only one percent behind it, they still assist in propelling it forward.

  • To the people who sent emails and letters about how my talk affects them--how they found hope, inspiration, connection, or new life after hearing one of my presentations. One email writer, in particular, emphasized that they felt my mission was a labor of love and thanked me for putting so much time and effort into helping others. Those emails throw my personal drive into the highest gear possible.  

  • To my family and friends--you know the amount of hard work I put into this endeavor. You are the inspiration for a number of my blogs. You never complain about a story, or fact about our interactions, leaking into a blog. Rather the contrary, you applaud their inclusion.

And, most importantly, to my wife--you won’t let me give up and have so many ways of reminding me that what I do matters to people. The drive that Adam elegantly described has only grown since he sent that message to me years ago. That message has stuck with me over all these years. I can practically recite it from memory. 2016 was the year I realized the depth of my mission and how many people it has affected over the years. I couldn’t be prouder of what we have built, whether you contributed just one brick to this endeavor or a whole wing. My drive has grown larger due to all the wonderful gifts you have given me over the years. So I accept your gifts with a smile and a humble, “Oh you guys, you shouldn’t have.”  I enter 2017 with great excitement. And, to steal from Adam, and quote the Magnetic Fields again, I will “Drive on, Driver.”

This will be the last written blog for 2016. This Wednesday, there will be a special picture blog. Sunday Night With John will return on January 8, 2017. Have a wonderful Holiday season and thank you for reading, commenting on, liking, and sharing my message.