Sunday Night With John: There's Always Another Story

An avid reader of Sunday Night with John posed a question to me at an event I was attending this weekend. She asked me do I think I will ever run out of ideas for blogs? It is a question I get often, so I thought I would take this blog to answer it. The short answer is no, I will not run out of stories to tell anytime soon. The long answer is a a bit more nuanced.

To engage in a life where I stay emotionally connected to people, to moments and to life is always the goal. To not only spread the message of Share Emotions, Emotions Matter, but to attempt to live it 100% of time. The problem I face is not shrinking away from the emotions of the events, to stay engaged. Being engaged emotionally all the time is to live a life of vulnerability, to not be afraid to be hurt, and deepen your life experience at every opportunity.

Some weeks it’s easy  and a blog comes together in the matter of minutes, and other weeks I struggle to cut through my own worries and tell a story worth sharing. It’s a constant battle to convey an honest reaction to a personal life event, local community event, or a world event. There are so many layers of emotions to camping weekends with friends, to attending a wedding, to watching the election cycle, and to the violence in our society. I know sharing emotions in a healthy way is the key to change, as I have witnessed it over and over again on my travels.

The best way to convey emotions is through storytelling.  You want to turn a group of people off, present them with a bunch of percentages and facts. We are not moved by facts but by shared human experiences full of emotions. Will I ever run out of ideas for blogs? No, because I will never stop the pursuit of living a life that leads to a great story. No, because I enjoy the exchange of emotions with others. No, because at the heart of my message is a general desire to help people heal.

I never know when or where the next life event that will lead to a wonderful emotional story will happen, but I know at some point this week I will sit down at the computer and attempt again to find a story that helps someone heal. That pursuit has not failed me yet, and like I entitled the blog, “there’s always another story.”


Thanks for reading and sharing my message with others. Take care and see you next week.