Sunday Night With John: Two Silhouettes

I was driving home from the gym today thinking about writing my blog on the topic I picked days ago. I was writing it in my head when I pulled up behind a white van at a stoplight. It must have been a quiet morning drive as the two silhouettes I could make out in the van where sitting still. Just before the light turned green the passenger silhouette began to dance in the seat. It must have been a fast upbeat jam because the silhouette was moving and appeared to be singing along with the radio. I let out a small chuckle as the light turned green.

As I followed the car toward my road, the driver joined in as what I’m guessing was the catchy chorus. The two silhouettes then picked up steam and danced in their seats with no clue that hey were putting on a show for the car me, the tired guy in the car behind them. The last thing I was expecting on my drive home from the gym was an act of a complete stranger to brighten my day.  I found their private joy uplifting and I soaked up the type of happiness they were exhibiting, it was contagious.

When I turned onto my street the van continued on straight. I was still smiling at the inadvertent gift I was given by witnessing two people share a spontaneous moment. I can only imagine as to what song popped on the radio to get that reaction. I picture the two silhouettes singing and dancing their way to where ever their destination was, their day a little better.

Life’s best moments are often the ones that come out of nowhere, the moments that can’t be planed. I think back to my wedding day where the rain moved the ceremony under a tent.  When we said our vows, we surrounded by our family and friends in one of the most intimate and private moments of my life.  I couldn’t have felt more love in one small area. I also remember the one of the last memories of my dad.  He was driving me to my friends to play basketball and song we both knew came on the radio. We too spontaneous sang along.  

I’ve long said that emotions are contagious and part of sharing emotions is getting people to not just share our darker emotions but also to share our joy, our happiness, and our excitement with each other.  There are so many little moments in life that bring us joy.  A song on the radio, our pet doing something silly, our kids saying funny kids things, a quick text message, or a funny story that we can share with the world. Two people in their joy over a song made my day better.  Although I will never be able to say thank for giving me a good chuckle and a great show for my drive home.  But we don’t always need to say thank you when we pick up someone’s happiness, we just need to keep passing it on to the next person.