Sunday Night With John: What's The Point?

I was struggling what to write about this week. Nothing was hitting me as I weaved my way through a tough workweek, locking down the Risky Business Conference and preparing for my talk in Osage later today.  It happens from time to time when nothing hits me as a great subject. I do actively search out topics and some of them are easy to write about, other topics inspire me but are difficult to write.  Coming up with content that makes you want to read and share with others is my goal.

The everyday mundane has a way moving into our thoughts, emotions, and energy levels with each passing moments. The pressure to see results, to achieve those next milestones begins to feel like it is never going to come.  The hard work changes to boring chores and those whispers slip into our conscience “Stop, it’s too hard, what’s the point without results” People who can fight of those whispers have a chance to achieve something great. 

The people who find a way to enjoy the process and make the ride fun, view the emotional roller coaster as the journey.  They finally find a way to shut up the whispers and open the door to not being results based but process driven.  It’s a tough line to walk because without validation we feel like time was wasted. If I don’t land more gigs what’s the point of the 5am wake-up call to email people about my talk?  What’s the point of recording music?  What’s the point writing poetry?  What’s the point of singing, or what’s the point of creating art.

Last year while training for my half marathon I was out for a ten-mile run and wasn’t feeling the run until I came across another runner heading my direction. We struck up a conversation for two miles about running the perked my spirits. Another time a quiet kid came up to after a talk and thanked me for making a difficult topic fun and suggested I should be a comedian. Maybe your music is listened to people in another country and you’ll never know the impact you had. (Look into Sixto Rodrigeuz for another great story).  Maybe your artwork will be purchased years from now in a second hand store and be the piece that makes somebody feel at home.

The point is, engaging in activities we love will ignite our passion, create a sense of pride and quiet whispers of doubt when so many others let those whisper become shouts.  We should share the passion we carry for certain things in life to inspire others to find their passion.

I found my inspiration for today’s blog from Sunday Morning on CBS during an interview with Matthew Mcconaughey who talked about forgetting results and enjoying the process. I didn’t know this morning that I would be snapped out of listening to my whispers by an actor I will never meet, nor did I know he would affect me. He was just being passionate about his process. The point isn’t about results, the point it creating a process that carves out a place for your passion to be shared. 


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