Sunday Night With John: Yippee-Ki-Yay!

“Yippee Ki Yay, Mother…” The most iconic line from my favorite Christmas Movie, Die Hard, is what I want to shout as the 2015 Holiday season begins.  And I will not hear any argument stating Die Hard is not a Christmas movie because it’s one of the best Christmas movies of all time! It easily fits into my top five favorite holiday break things to do: curl up on the couch and watch John Maclain save his wife and the people trapped in Nakatomi Tower from terrorists. At some point over the next week I will embark on this yearly tradition again. I started my holidays a week early this year with a trip to Des Moines with my wife to catch a Christmas play at the Kum & Go theater at the Des Moines Social Club on Friday and then on Saturday we attended a Friendship-mas with a number of my old college buddies.

As 2015 winds down and the Holiday Season amps up, I’m fully prepared to enjoy the season after such a wonderful 2015.  John Paul Derryberry speaking and the message “Share Emotions, Emotions Matter” reached new heights this year. I ventured into new areas of the country and more people heard one of my presentations than ever before. More than 5,000 people visited and my blog, Sunday Night With John, doubled it’s readership from 2014. Lastly, this last month I have raised 60% of the funds to host the first ever Sunday Night With John: Live! event, setting up 2016 to be an even bigger year for “Share Emotions, Emotions Matter.”

The best gift I have received this year is the continued efforts of all of you passing along my message to others.  Whether you are a regular reader, have shared a blog, liked a post, sent out one of my postcards, booked an event with me, retweeted one of my tweets, or just passed my name along in conversation, you have made 2015 the most successful year for this adventure that I’m on. Any message of hope and compassion needs people to spread the word to allow it to have an impact. I cannot be the only one campaigning the importance of emotional health and have any type of impact. This blog is a thank you from a very humbled author and speaker. Humbled by the conversations I have with audience members at my events and the email correspondences I have had with readers. All the support has me screaming, “Yippee Ki Yay” this holiday season.  

No matter what holiday(s) you celebrate, enjoy your time with family and friends over the 2015 holiday season. Sunday Night John will return the first Sunday of 2016, but for now I take a much need break as we have a very important wedding on Christmas Eve and then family time on Christmas Day. See everyone again in 2016!