Sunday Night With John: Sometimes Life...Or a Nap, Gets in Your Way

I set aside three hours today to craft my blog about kicking negativity where the sun doesn’t shine.  I have been developing this blog in my head for some time as I have some view on dealing with negativity I want to share with my readers. Today the three hours escaped me as I’m training for a marathon this summer.  Today was my long run, 16 miles, my hometown basketball team is in the playoffs (Cleveland Cavs), my puppy needed a walk, and I promised my wife I would clean the house today.  I though I crafted a perfect plan to accomplish all my to do list today.  

I ran the 16 miles without falling over and having to crawl. I was overjoyed as I still have 10 more miles to add to the total to distance to my race. I came home and immediately took the dog for a walk because I knew sitting down would lead to the downfall of my day. I then stopped at a friend’s house to catch the last of the playoff game. Upon the return from the walk and the game the need for food overtook my thought process.  I made a sandwich and sat down on the couch, which then became laying down on the couch and my long two-hour nap. There went my perfectly crafted day to accomplish everything on my list. I woke up, showered and cleaned the house. As 7:00 rolled around I realized I didn’t give myself enough time to correctly put my thoughts on negativity into coherent words.

Today my plan was undone by a nap.  But I earned it with every step of those 16 miles. Sometimes life just gets in the way.  But sometimes all you can do is smile when it gets in the way because of good things like attempting to reach a goal, hanging out with your kids, taking your dog for a walk, or catching up with a friend. Tonight as I ice my poor knees and nurse my feet back to health, I fully admit that life got in the way today.  A quote from one of my favorite movies comes to mind, “Either get busy living, or get busying dying” – Shawshank Redemption. Today I was living and that is always a good thing.