Sunday Night With John: Chasing the Pine Life

Chasing the Pine Life My interview with an old friend, Stephanie Czekalski, Owner and CEO of PINE LIFE LLC

Chasing the Pine Life

My interview with an old friend, Stephanie Czekalski, Owner and CEO of PINE LIFE LLC

When I strolled onto the Marycrest International University campus in Davenport, I was an 18-year-old with a narrow view of the world. I had fled from Ohio to Iowa in search of a way to cope with the loss I had suffered. It is here that I met a very tall, very skinny, 18-year-old girl from the suburbs of Chicago. Steph, who went by a couple of different nicknames, became the first friend I made post-high school. Maybe the nickname thing is why we connected. I have had about 25 different names in my life, but that is a story for another day. She and I hit it off right away and a friendship was born.

Steph was the first one I ever shared the notion with that I could craft an inspirational message about emotional health through speaking and writing. She read some of the first pieces I wrote about my Dad’s death. While I thought they were an incoherent mess, she thought I was onto something and encouraged me to pursue my talent, as my view on mental health was unique. She made me a believer in my own potential. I was the artist, and she gave me the push I needed.

Happiness filled my day when I recently came across my old friend who is now chasing her own dream. At age 35, Steph reinvented herself as CEO of PINE LIFE LLC, an apparel company with a conscience. Flashing back to those youthfully ignorant moments of being 18, the college dorm parties, the conversations about our dreams, I have the same youthful excitement about Steph’s project that is positively impacting the world. PINE LIFE aligns seamlessly with the 'Chase the Invisible' vision. With the same vigor of encouragement, I want to return the favor. Go get 'em Steph.  MIU WHAT.  Visit for more information 

Check out my exclusive interview with Stephanie below:


John: What is the story of PINE LIFE?

Steph: My family and I moved to Pinehurst, NC, from the Detroit in 2015, when my husband was transferred to Fort Bragg.  It was a huge adjustment for me, moving from hustle and bustle to literally the safest, most quiet place on earth.  Beach trips are something that we do often as we live so close to the ocean.  We drove to the beach one weekend and car after car, truck after truck, we saw Salt Life decals.  My husband Sam made the comment “Salt Life is everywhere.”  Now Sam is not really the ocean type... in fact, he is the polar opposite.  Give him mountains, forests, and a snowboard, and he is all set.  

As the ocean is a draw for some, the pines are a niche for others.  After brainstorming, while gazing at the pine trees along the highway, I grabbed my phone I searched “Pine Life”...and found a few nature sites. was for sale. That next Monday I filed for an LLC, a few weeks later bought the domain, and spent the next several months building my brand. The “pine life” was something I hadn’t really experienced before, and I wanted to make it something my own.  Starting this company was a coping strategy, a way to embrace change.            

John: Did you feel yourself reconnect with your passion as it came together?

Steph: Absolutely. I had been in a motivational slump in my career for a few years.  Not very inspired, and stressed 24/7. The corporate world can be extremely fast-paced, making it easy to get burned out and lose sight of your passions.   I wanted to take my creativity to the next level, and step out of my comfort zone by starting a business.   My motivation was revived by Pine Life.  You know me, I have always had a competitive nature, being an athlete you strive only to be the best. PINE LIFE fuels my competitive nature and drive.  Passion is a funny thing... people find it at different ages, but once you find it, nothing is more motivating.

John: In my opinion, your logo design is flawless. What gets your creative juices flowing?

Steph: Blueberries...LOL...the antioxidants get the creativity flowing.  No really, thanks, P.  It took me three solid weeks to get that logo right.  It had to be absolutely flawless.  There is rationality behind the design and people say it is aesthetically on point.  The core of my creativity comes from being competitive, which bleeds effortlessly into my work, striving to put out only the best designs and quality shirts.  

John: During our phone conversation, you went to my website and found two ways to improve my overall product. Does this stuff pop off the page at you?

Steph: It literally jumps out and screams at me.  Everything is marketing.  Helping clients communicate their brands more efficiently is the most rewarding part of the job. Taking something and elevating it, is something that I am really good at. That is what marketing is all about…differentiating yourself from the competition. Good designers and marketers have to be creative problem solvers.   

John: PINE LIFE has a mechanism for giving back, encouraging people to get out in nature, and includes emotional health, which just makes my heart flutter with happiness. Explain why.

Steph: Well, research suggests that our emotional well-being and personal fulfillment are dependent on our relationship with nature.  There are many psychological benefits to simply being outdoors, kayaking down a stream, or walking in a forest or mountains. We encourage people to integrate nature back into their lives and “Get a Pine Life.”

We also encourage customers to give back.  It will always be part of our mission to help support natural environments for generations to come.  We have planted 75 trees since our launch, thanks to our customers and One Tree Planted. By partnering with One Tree Planted, a nonprofit focused on reforestation in the most endangered habitats - the wildfire and bark beetle prone areas of CA, CO, and OR.  For every $1 that PINE LIFE donates, a tree is planted in one of these areas.  Customers are encouraged to purchase a tree at checkout at Additionally, we make an extra donation for every decal sold.  

John: What is the next Chasing the Invisible for Pine Life?

Steph: We plan to expand the brand on more of a national level, offering more products, more designs, sponsorships for pro athletes, etc.  We have been in contact with agencies to organize clean-up events and fundraisers for local businesses, and we also plan to start a PINE LIFE youth club, where kids can help by help beautify our towns and plant trees.  It’s important to get kids involved in the environment and conservation of our natural resources. We also want to organize meet up hikes to encourage people to get outside and be part of a community of others who enjoy the same. So much to look forward to!

John: Lastly, how about some free swag? I will rock it on my backpack trips and send you the pictures. Or, could you design me a limited edition Chase the Invisible T-shirt on your website?

Steph: Your shirt is in the mail buddy... you better rock it hard! I plan to take your stickers on my next hiking trip!

John’s Final Thoughts
In every one of my presentations, there is a common theme, “You can change your story.” No matter what your age, you can take a risk by chasing something new, making yourself a better person. There is an underlying fear with aging and death, that when that day comes, we will realize we didn’t try. Whether it is an apparel brand, a public speaking event, opening a business, or bowling a game above 200, I encourage you to chase something. It’s what keeps us alive. It’s what makes life great.

 Seventeen years ago, Steph and I crossed paths and through all the stupid college hijinks, we both talked about making an impact, inspiring people, taking risks, and leaving the world better than we found it.  I think it’s safe to say we are checking all of those boxes. We may succeed, we may fail, but when we cross paths again, we can both say we chased a life we didn’t know existed. We “Chased the Invisible”. That is one of the noblest pursuits one can take. So, whether you are living the Pine Life, Chasing the Invisible, or any other mantra you live by, go live it.