Sunday Night With John: Good People Matter


Good People Matter 

John Paul Derryberry 

We were sitting at the corner of the bar, sipping a drink and munching on chips and dip. It was one in the afternoon and we were supposed to be licking our wounds after a rough day.  However, we just sat there laughing. No matter what your status in the world, there are days where, well, there are days that throw you for a loop. As word of our predicament spread through text messages, phone calls and emails, our own phones began to ding.  

We sat there talking about what would be next step of our lives, what we had accomplished, and excitement for the next journey.  We paused from our conversation and noticed a friend walking through the door to join in our day. Over the next couple of hours, another friend, and another, and another showed up, until our corner spot on the bar became a table. As our numbers grew, so did the laughter as we remembered the stupid conversations, the over emotional reactions, and ultimately the mission we carried out. 

As I took a step back from our table, I saw a new picture of a day that was supposed to be tough. It was not. Not because goodbyes are easier, or that there are not tough moments in life, but because when we surround ourselves with the correct people, tough days are carried by many. They become easier because the compassion, empathy, and love between the people at that table is real.

As the day gave away to night, my day turned from questionable, to good, to great. New opportunities presented themselves. I landed on my feet, and had a group of wonderful people there to celebrate with me. Bad moments pass and they are neither everything or nothing. They are just moments to learn from, to grow from, and to become a better person from. It’s easier to do that surrounded by great people. There is a secret to repeat this process. It’s to continually put an investment of time into people who will return the investment. I’m fortunate enough have the correct people in my life. Bad will always turn to good with the right people.