Sunday Night With John: PSA-Remember This Is Hard!


PSA-Remember This Hard

John Paul Derryberry

Oh boy, do we have the ability to make our life look grand nowadays! All things social media allow us to craft an image of our lives in attempts to add shimmer and a shiny coat to distract others and maybe ourselves from our mess. It's no wonder why stats on satisfaction with life, with happiness, are way down, and why the number of people reporting a struggle with mental health is on the rise. 

I think we forget to remind each other how hard life is; how difficult it is to balance the act of knowing when to push forward with an idea and when to pull back and allow things to run their course. Should you stand up for yourself or allow it to pass because it will create too much drama to speak up? Should you change jobs, go back to school, go for the promotion, or stay in your current lane? Should you save for a rainy day or buy the item you somewhat need? Should you reconnect with old friends, make new ones, or stick with family?  Finally, should you eat healthy and exercise like the doctor suggested or down two more doughnuts and be temporarily happy? There are no right answers, but there are sure a bunch of wrong ones. 

By now you're thinking I'm writing this blog about the recent move my family is smack dab in the middle of finishing, and you would be 100 percent correct. I cannot stand public speakers and figures who never talk about their warts. I have, and sometimes, life is hard. A year ago, I slept in a hospital in Iowa City hoping our daughter, Amelia, and her adoption would go through. Today, I sit in a temporary house in Mason City, Iowa, with two daughters and a new job. I've had some of the highest highs of my life this past year, and also some of the hardest of hards. 

It has reminded me that, even though I speak publicly as an expert on emotions and work in the field, sometimes it is still hard processing them in the moment. More importantly, I've reminded myself it's okay and even beautiful to have hard moments in life. I have eased the burdens of others this year, again and again, by relaying this information to those around me. The best thing about this journey has been the past seven days. Yes, it was hard getting to this point but the last seven days, with most of this journey behind us, my little family had an awesome week. 

Everyone has hard times, everyone, no matter what they put up out into the social world. For me, leaning into the hard work and situation paid off; it usually does.  It allows us to test ourselves and, as a result, we see that we are capable of amazing things. Life is hard sometimes, but that doesn't mean it's worse. It means we have an opportunity to grow. Just remember to let others know sometimes that you're in the middle of a hard spot. It will go a long way towards easing their burden and pushing them to their finish line. Life is hard, but it's a lot easier with help and company. I'm lucky enough to have that in spades. I hope you are too.