John Paul Derryberry
My girls are young enough to not carry memories of the pandemic, but we all know the effects of this situation will be felt for years. My girls haven't seen anyone from my side of the family in over 15 months. No one's fault as vacation plans and get-togethers kept getting canceled, pushed back, or not made as 6 weeks turned into 6 months, which turned into over a year of missed get-togethers.
Choosing to live in North Iowa was supposed to change this; living closer to one side of the family meant freed-up time to visit the other family. Now free time wouldn't have to be split by asking which family did we see last. And we started off great; my girls saw their Ohio grandparents a bunch. We all know the saying about best-laid plans, but the pandemic blew up plans for so many for so long. I think the long-term effects of this pandemic and the separation of groups of loved ones will have a lasting impact. It was the correct decision, a decision I would make again. To care for others in my mind is always the right choice. Yet we know every decision, even healthy ones, has drawbacks.
Finally, the Ohio grandparents could make the trek to Mason City, Iowa, to see their little granddaughters with everyone vaccinated. Seeing my mom was an emotional and mental health boost to everyone in our house. A signal that maybe one day, things will be back to as close to pre-pandemic as we can get. Perhaps, if we are lucky, we will emerge from this, cherishing this time together with loved ones a little more than before we were forced to isolate.
We are not out of this yet and still have a long way to go but even celebrating small victories matters. Hearing my daughters ask to read with Grandma Derryberry and ask to play with Grandpa Dennis is a victory I'll take. My family doesn't see eye to eye on a lot, and oh man, was it fun to disagree about politics, to debate. Disagree and still love; argue and still laugh. Remember, we have a lot more in common than we don't. We have lost that the most throughout this prolonged isolation.
I guess the reality is no matter how old we get, we all need a hug from our mom, or whoever you call your mom, from time to time.