SNWJ: How Do I Apply For a Spirit Animal Without Stealing From The Native American Culture?

I get it. Having a so-called spirit animal is a fun, cool thing to think about. It’s fascinating to think about having the characteristics of the bald eagle, a dolphin, a grizzly bear, or a blue-jay.  The problem with this is the fact that we are continually co-opting, exploiting, and, flat out stealing from the Native Americans. It’s a nasty American tradition-- take from those we deem less than us. Actually, being honest, it’s more of a human problem. But, since Americans love to view themselves as the leaders of the world, how about we take the lead in knocking it off?  

I really do not know how spirit animals work and I doubt most of you know the spiritual traditions Native Americans have crafted across generations to work out the finer details. I have questions:

  1. Does someone one assign one to you?

  2. How does one earn the right to be given a spirit animal, or assigned spirit animals?

  3. Just how culturally insensitive is it to think you have a spirit animal without going through the proper channels?

  4. If you wanted to be given a spirit animal in the correct manner, how do you go about it? ( I mean, if it’s worth doing, do it right.)

  5. Once you have been given a spirit animal how do you conduct yourself to not disrespect the process?

  6. Should people with no attachment to Native American culture even attempt to have a spirit animal? I mean, it could be extremely disrespectful, much like Christians who are offended when people co-opt their traditions.

I’m sure I'm missing about 15 questions that I should list here.

Here is what I do know. It has to be more than those stupid five-minute internet quizzes people take and then, post on social media that the gray wolf is “so me”. When I see those posts I think: First off,  you probably have never been anywhere near a gray wolf and, if you ever came across one, you would probably run away. I do not think you run from your spirit animal. I think you embrace the environment, the emotions, the culture, your spirit animal inhabits.  Second, I think there needs to be a deeper connection than a five-minute internet quiz, from the safety of your home or public library, to land a spirit animal. You might have to, you know, go into nature and feel the beast in it’s natural habitat. Third, how would you feel if you were a Christian and someone took a five-minute quiz and then announced, my spirit disciple is Paul? Wouldn’t you think, how freaking dare you boil down my religion, customs, and life down to a stupid internet quiz.? You have spent a lifetime crafting, learning, and committing yourself to your spiritual journey. No one has the right to boil that down to a silly five-minute internet quiz.  

When I do figure out how to correctly and respectfully submit my request for a spirit animal, I would like to choose as my spirit animal, the buffalo. I have come across wild buffalo in the South Dakota BadLands and have  staunchly observed them as they grazed. I stayed at a respectful distance, but I did make eye contact with the buffalo. I would like to think we made a deep, soulful connection but it was really probably more like me thinking, “Holy Cow! There is a real live buffalo grazing 30 feet below my feet. And the buffalo was probably thinking, “Holy Cow! There is a stupid human trying to hike in the Badlands where I could trample him or a rattle snake could bite him.” The next day, on our hike back to the car, two buffalo appeared, about two hundred yards away and parallel to us, and began to run through the prairie grass. By far, this was the most beautiful natural event I had  ever witnessed with my own eyes. It was a moment that had a profound impact on me-- the manifestation of taking risk, reminding myself how small I really am,  being in touch with the world around me, and disconnecting from the electronic world. And, for whatever reason, a wild buffalo in the Badlands cemented the idea that I must stay grounded, work to remind the world everyone deserves respect and care. Maybe this is a better way to land a spirit animal, or,maybe it still is insensitive to the original inhabitants of this land. But, at least, I put more than five minutes into it.

I bring this up because the best things in life that have ever happened to me were because I took the time to do them correctly. That’s how it works: do your do diligence, be respectful to not harm others around you, honor those who have put in the work before you, push the boundaries of what you are capable of, and, stand up for what you believe in and how you want the world to be.  I mean, if it’s worth doing, do it right. So I would love to submit my application to have the buffalo be my spirit animal but I want to do it correctly without trampling any Native American spiritual traditions.  If there is anyone who knows how to help me along, I’ll take advice. But whatever we do in life, remember: if it is going to mean anything, it must not come from a insignificant internet quiz that took you five minutes to take, and demeans a whole culture of people. I mean, “That’s so not you.”