Sunday Night With John: I can't spell

I can’t spell and I would probably fail a 7th grade grammar class.  It’s a fact that I’m reminded of every Sunday when I begin to write this blog.  Or when I begin type a Facebook post and it takes way longer than it should.  I’m one of those people who may have used Google a couple of times to make sure I was spelling a word correctly. Anne, my fiancée often reminds me how when I rush I will post something that doesn’t make sense, and my friends have field day with my inability to spell something correctly. My friend Marcus has commented that he doesn’t understand how I can go from not being able to spell a word, and then talking eloquently about mental health issues and connecting the dots for others.

            I usually just chuckle and say it’s the way I’m wired. The truth is, we all have strengths and weaknesses. It’s not to say that spelling and grammar isn’t important, because it is. It can make you look professional and can really drive a point home through the written word.  My brain just can’t process the information. I’ve tried to re-read things, I’ve tried paying closer attention to spelling, and I have forced my self not to rush, and not much has changed. Not rushing made the biggest improvement but the other methods haven’t led to the improvement that matches my intelligence.

            I have had to choke down the fact that I need help, and finding friends who are willing to point out my weaknesses was huge. It allowed me to not ignore them, and continue to move toward a cleaner, refined, and legible message when I’m not in the arena where I can speak. The other big help is Anne, who began to read my blogs before I post them and helps to clear up my message. Anne has seen my talk and believes in my message and has decided to use her strengths to my move my talk forward.

            The issue that happens is we allow our weaknesses to stop us from achieving or moving forward.  I have numerous strengths that I use and try to focus on. I have learned it’s better to lean on your strengths and ask for help covering your blind spots. I could have easily stated writing a blog will hurt my talks because I’m opening myself up for people to see my weakness. If people see those weaknesses they may dismiss me. Or I could find a way to deliver my thoughts in the written word with help because I can’t talk every day to everyone about my talk.

            I can’t spell and I can’t pass a 7th grade grammar class and I won’t let that stop me from moving my message of Share Emotions…Emotions Matter. We all have strengths and weakness and when we find a way to use our strengths and not give in to weaknesses, we achieve.  Maybe my biggest strength is admitting weakness and asking for help.  Weaknesses have a way of embarrassing us, shaming us, and guilting us into non-action on goals, dreams, wishes, and desires.  At times, the spelling and grammar thing can be embarrassing and move’s me into non-action.  My passion that drives me pushes me through that embarrassment into action. We have to play to our strengths and/or carry a dictionary and find someone willing to spell and grammar check our blogs. Thanks Anne!