Sunday Night With John: Thank You, Christmas

“Thanks John,” the young kid muttered as we called it a night after a long Christmas day.  This Christmas I worked the entire shift at a residential treatment facility for kids.  Most of my friends and family would ask the question isn’t it terrible to work all day on the holiday? I explained that to give kids who have had a number of terrible Christmases a good one was such a joy. Over my years there I worked about four Christmases and every one of them tugged at my heartstrings unlike any other Christmases that I’ve had in the past. 

The kids opened gifts that they loved but it wasn’t watching them open the gifts that made the day rich. It was giving them a day to enjoy as we threw out the traditional rules of our facility. We allowed them to wear pjs all day and we let them eat seconds, thirds, and fourths during meals. We played video games all day and lounge in front of the TV to a Harry Potter movie.  For some of the kids I was working with, this was their first ‘real’ Christmas and I was honored to be a part of it.

I have moved on from the days of working on Christmas but thinking back to the days when I shared holidays with those who had less still bring a smile to my face. I got to experience the true meaning of Christmas.  As we are days away from our next Christmas I bet if you think back to your special memories on Christmas very few of them are about a gift you have received. My guess is it was a surprise visitor, watching someone’s reaction to a gift you were giving them, or some tradition your family keeps. 

So on this Christmas, I ask you for one moment to look around the room and realize how lucky you to share it people you love. Whether it’s someone’s first Christmas in your company or whether unfortunately it might be someone’s last. Remind yourself that there are people having to celebrate thousand of miles from their family, or are celebrating alone because they don’t have family.  As you take that moment, take a deep breath and soak it all in. Christmas is a day where we have the time to soak in these special moments and say thanks. Not to say thanks to anyone particular, but for life in general.

Happy Holidays everyone.  The best gift you have given me this year is that my readership has doubled since this time last year. Please continue to like, share, and tell people about Sunday Night With John. To put something out in the world and get the emails, and Facebook messages with such kind words is more than I can ask for.

One more Sunday Night with John before 2014 ends, see you next week.