Sunday Night with John: The Long Pause

No matter how we spend our time in life and what we do for a living, we all need time to re-charge. I find myself at that point this weekend. After moving into a new house, launching a new website, attending a couple of weddings, my regular job commitment, and numerous other outings, I find myself drained of energy. Being emotionally healthy to serve others means taking care of your own emotional self.

I will be embarking on a week vacation starting after I post this tonight. I will fully admit sometimes I need to turn my cell phone off and do some pondering, reading, hiking, running, and whatever my heart desires.  I have used “Share Emotions, Emotions Matter” as the slogan for my message of emotional health.  As I take this break, I find myself happy on so many levels about so many wonderful things.  My engagement to a wonderful person who makes me better everyday, the two marriages I have been a part of this summer and the one left to come, great friends, the numerous talks I have done this year and the talks I have on the horizon, and lastly, my continued growth as public speaker and a person.

This year alone I have hiked foothills of Mt. Ranier, tried sushi, conquered three more national hiking trails in the Midwest, and met so many great people. I discovered my favorite meal, Thai Burgers, and that I actually like onions.  Please keep that last fact away from my mom considering I threw a huge fit every time I had to eat onions when I was younger. I’m a passionate doer of this adventure called life and I’ve found that it’s easier to find emotional health when I am doing the things listed above.  I’ll miss you your feedback this week and connecting with you every day for the next 5 days.  But, my to do list awaits…See you in a week, refreshed and ready to do more.