Sunday Night With John: I Did This To Myself

My Thursday started at 5:30am as I walked into the gym. After my work out I headed to work with the hopes off darting out a smidge early as I had a 4 plus hour drive to Milwaukee for my talk Friday morning. But as we all know when we need work to comply it seems to do the exact opposite. I locked my office door at 5:35 pm and rushed home to load the car.  After my quick stop at home I was on the road at 6:07 pm. I was in for a long drive to my hotel in Milwaukee.

I finally pulled into Brew City and schlepped my luggage up to my room and laid down on the hotel bed at 11:00pm. I was exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open. I ended my night chatting with Anne about my day and the trip and I made a comment about how long the day was.  She jokingly responded, “Well, you did this to yourself.” As always she was more than right. No one was forcing me to share my message, no one was making me advertise, and no one was telling me I absolutely had to do this. 

I awoke to a chilly Milwaukee and headed out to speak to my break out session at the Wisconsin Child Care Association Conference. Upon my arrival I checked in and found my venue. I was early and was sitting in the conference room all alone preparing my talk. I perused the other classes the conference offered this weekend, they covered everything from structure, to leadership, curriculum, but mine was the only session on the one thing that makes us human: emotions.  As my participants began to fill the room there were less people there than had registered. I guess being in the last group of presenters meant a few people snuck out early.

It had been a long time since I gave a small presentation.  I paused and remembered how much I enjoyed those first few talks I gave nearly ten years ago to small groups and how much I loved the intimate settings.  My story can make a half empty room feel full.  As I worked my way through my talk I hit my points clearly and the small group responded. After I finished they came up and chatted, asked questions, and told me some of their stories. I walked out smiling.  Another talk in the books where a group of people was exposed to my message: “Share Emotions, Emotions Matter.” But my trip was just half done.

I had a meeting Saturday morning to talk with a marketing director about some other opportunities to speak in future. The meeting went well, and I landed the next step in the process. I walked out of a coffee shop in Milwaukee facing another 4 plus hour drive. The thought I had early this weekend about being exhausted was gone. I was energized again by having the opportunity to share the message I created; to help others understand how important sharing emotions is for all of us. I thought about how I have built up my talk over the last 10 years to the point where I’m taking meetings with marketing directors about keynoting large conferences. I jumped in my car on the way home with a big smile, “yeah I did this to myself,” and that is the coolest thing I have ever done.