What Do I Say?


What Do I Say?

John Paul Derryberry

What does a 38-year-old straight, white man say in a moment like this? What do I offer my circle in a moment of unparalleled unrest? How do I even sniff understanding systemic racism when never once has it come within a million miles of me? I have no creatively-crafted words for spinning this into some grander emotional lesson. I have no path forward for us because it's my job to follow others on this issue. 

I will hold compassion for those expressing their frustrations. I implore my fellow American citizens continue to seek life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness and I proudly stand next to while you do. Something will rise from the ashes of this, but there are no promises it will be better than we were before George Floyd had the life choked out of him while handcuffed. Today's Sunday Night With John will go silent because I want to know what George Floyd thinks of all of this, but he can't speak, so I won't. 
