Sunday Night with John: Keep Swinging Son

My dad and I’s connection will always be the ebb and flow of basketball.  But our first sport together was baseball.  My dad, being the guy who got a near perfect on his ACT, loved the challenge of baseball and how it was chess match of different percentages. He would talk all the time about how the best hitters were only successful three out of ten times. And go on about how baseball teaches us that we are going to fail. 

The motivation in baseball was to be successful enough to have a positive effect on the outcome of the game.  Over the years, those lessons have paid dividends.  My passion to help others has not always been easy.  I have fallen flat on my face and seen plans fall through.  Every time I make a call, email, or get a lead about public speaking, I have to remember that I may not nail every gig.  Recently, I was emailing back and forth for an engagement in Ames when I went on vacation.  When I returned, the person attempting to book me was on vacation. When we finally connected it was too late in the game to get a date that worked for both of us. We settled on getting back in touch later in the fall. I guess you can say I struck out swinging at least.  I was back at the plate the next day emailing, calling, and talking with people about my talks, presentations, and workshops.

            As any baseball player can attest to the fact that, getting a hit, even a single, makes the world seem like brighter, happier place.  You can say to yourself, I’ve got to go do that again and more often. Now, I've never hit a home run, but I bet that feeling is bigger, louder, and makes the batter feel like anything is possible. I can imagine the feeling of rounding the bases as the crowd cheers, and your teammates talk about how far it went or where you hit it.

            As I prepare for every talk that I give, I know full well that I cannot reach everyone in the attendance. The goal is always to say the correct words and highlight the right story to have a positive impact on as many people as possible. When I get a follow up email, a phone call, Facebook message or like, it’s like getting a hit in baseball. The world feels happier, brighter, and I say to myself, I’ve got to do that again and soon.  Like I said, I have never hit a home run in baseball, but I have hit my fair share of public speaking home runs. I thought I’d share a few with you tonight.

"Thank you doesn't seem to cover it, but THANK YOU for an amazing morning with our students!!! I know your message touched their hearts. The teachers said the kids had nothing but great things to say about you. Waterloo will most definitely be asking you to come back again soon!!!"

"Someone who has been very inspiring in my life is John Paul Derryberry, he will reach out to you, he is a very good listener and he treats you with the same respect! He has a very good story to tell. If you are in need of help or need someone to talk to and not sure who will listen, he will!  Like his page!  He’s the best and a one of a kind!!"

"I just saw your speech today at the University of Iowa. I am currently in the Loss and Trauma class you spoke with. I just wanted to sincerely thank you for taking the time to speak with us. More so, I wanted to thank you from me. I lost my dad at 14 as well, and I felt like someone understood the thoughts and feelings I was going through. It really meant a lot to me. You are a very inspiring speaker, and I feel very privileged to have heard you."

"Your talk today was amazing.  There was a group of high schoolers that were hanging on your every word. The groups in the back were so interested that if they missed something they would ask the one next to them what you said.  I have never seen those kids give anyone the respect that they gave you.  I will also be bringing my tissues for Wednesday night.  I was just as affected as the kids were.  There is never a good age to lose a parent or a friend.  I have lost both.  I am also looking forward to buying 4 copies of your book on Wednesday since I didn't have a chance to today. I know a couple of kids that could really use them.  You truly have a gift with the kids.  Congratulations on finding your calling and being a true inspiration."

I know exactly what my dad would say to me after reading these, keep swinging son, keep swinging. And Dad don’t worry I will!