Sunday Night With John: Super Sleeper

Super hero powers come in all shapes and forms. If you can think of a power then I’m sure it’s been in a movie, comic book, or graphic novel. Having a super power to call your own is a thought we all can admit to having once or twice. Whether it was in a moment of frustration, juggling too many activities wishing there was two of you.  Or wishing you could read someone’s mind.  We all have wished for more abilities to help us get through life more easily. I know when I was younger I would watch cartoons and just wish someone would grant me Spider Man’s spider sense, or Batman’s toys, or Superman’s power of flight. Well, I never thought he was that much of a Superman but that’s a rant for another day.   

It’s that constant thought that we should be doing more and that on some level we aren’t functioning at our best, and a super power would  allow that to happen. If I could grant everyone a super power it would the power to forgive ourselves when we come up short. In life, to error is to be human, and if we focus on what we have accomplished instead of what we have a failed to do, our self-esteem would grow every day. Think about a recovering alcoholic, the day after they have a drink. Do they focus on the 134 days they went without a drink or the one-day they did drink. 134 is a lot bigger than 1, and if we thought this way, one day wouldn’t turn into 2. I think about what I did this weekend, some yard work,  laundry, biked 44 miles, nurtured relationships with numerous friends through interactions and phone calls, continued to move the wedding plans along, emailed people about my talk, and relaxed. I can focus on the fact that cleaning the bathroom is still on my to-do list or comment myself for using my time wisely this weekend.

I hope this post allows you breath easier knowing you are already super if you are trying to better yourself and finding some success along the way. As for me, I already have a super power and it’s a rather beneficial one. I can sleep anywhere. I know it sounds like a weak super power until you realize that when you are super tired and can’t fall asleep, you’ll think of this post and realize John has the best super power ever. I can sleep on the ground,  hard wood floors, sitting up in chair, in the car, on a plane, half on the couch, half off, and numerous other odd places. My friends have often commented that they are amazed by this ability and baffled how I can wake up refreshed sans back-pain after the numerous places and positions I have fallen asleep in.

John Paul Derryberry, The Super Sleeper.  Now I just need cool super hero name and costume. I’ll take suggestions from you as long as you realize that you, on most days, are trying your best to be the best person you can and if your not, you can always start tomorrow because that would be super!